Monday, December 30, 2019

The Man Known as Mark Twain - 1188 Words

Mark Twain The man known as Mark Twain was born Samuel Clemens in Florida, Missouri on April 30, 1835. Samuel Langhorne Clemens was welcomed into the world as the sixth child of John Marshall and Jane Lampton Clemens. Little did they know their son (as Mark Twain) would be one of Americas most famous literary icons. Samuel got the name Mark Twain from the current of the river. He loved the rivers and everything about it. Mark Twains writing style was heavily influenced by the people and area he grew up in. Life in Missouri was pretty good for the famous writer. His memories of growing up was swimming, fishing, playing pirates, and pulling pranks where this small Missouri town became world famous. For entertainment he loved to play music and dance around with people. Four years after his birth, in 1839, the Clemens family moved 35 miles east to the town of Hannibal, A growing port city that laid along the banks of the Mississippi, Hannibal was a frequent stop for steam boats arriving by both d ay and night from St. Louis and New Orleans. Samuels father was a judge, and he built a two-story frame house at 206 Hill Street in 1844. As a youngster, Samuel was kept indoors because of poor health. By age nine, however, he seemed to recover from his ailments and joined the rest of the towns children outside. He then attended a private school in Hannibal. Sam’s family never had much money. They struggled financially, and when his father died of pneumonia in 1847, life got evenShow MoreRelatedMark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn And The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer1654 Words   |  7 Pages​An icon- a person who stands as a symbolic representative, as a mortal embodiment of a widely known field or characteristic- there are icons for nearly every conceivable concept in the known universe. In American literature, Mark Twain claims the title. He is a paragon of the ideals that are ascribed to what a(n) (American) writer should be; his humor, his fluid and flexi ble writing, his ability to portray emotion and passion via ink on dead slices of trees is a mirror image of the- alleged- freedomRead MoreMark Twain1159 Words   |  5 PagesMcKettrick 2 Mark Twain’s use of irony to express a better sense humor is displayed in many of his short stories. Such as â€Å"Luck†, in this story a clergyman explains how the â€Å"hero† was able to make mistakes and receive commendations and medals because acts of stupidity turned into acts of military intelligence. â€Å"He was appointed an officer, a captain of all things† (Twain, â€Å"Luck†), the clergyman said for the reason that the stupid â€Å"hero† that had barely made it through basic training was appointedRead MoreEssay on Twain is His Name, Even if He Was Born Samuel L. Clemens523 Words   |  3 PagesMany people have heard of Mark Twain, but his real name is Samuel L. Clemens. He is one of the most influential authors in writing, and he is the guy with the white suit and a cigar (Brown, Don). His career has inspired many to become authors, but he faced many challenges in his older years, which affected his ideal of becoming wealthy. Neve rtheless, he has had an impact on American Literature, securing him a spot in the History Hall of Fame. Mark Twain had a typical childhood for his time, butRead MoreLife and Works of Mark Twain Essay1634 Words   |  7 Pagesand Works of Mark Twain Introduction Mark Twain is considered as one of the most renowned authors of his time. He attained worldwide success, very early in his professional career. Twain was mostly known for writing realistic novels, in which the language and the mindset of the people reflected the traditions and values of their environment. As he spent ample time near the Mississippi River, the symbolism of the river and its significance is reflected in his books. Overall, Mark Twain was a celebratedRead MoreRacism in the Novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain630 Words   |  3 PagesSamuel Langhorne Clemens, known better as Mark Twain is the writer of one of the most popular books with over 20 million copies sold. The novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The novel has been read for years, with comes some questions. Is the novel racist? Could it be racist because of Twain’s background which influenced the novel? No, Mark Twain background didn’t influence the book to make it racist. It was the time that Mark Twain lived in that made Huck Finn come of as a racist novel todayRead MoreEssay about Mark Twain1654 Words   |  7 PagesMark Twain Mark Twain is believed to be the father of all American literature. Twain was known for writing about issues of his time such as slavery, due to his style of honesty and truth he was known as one of the very first modernist writers. Mark Twain had many inspirations that motivated him to write his novels. The inspirations varied from events that he witnessed and experienced, people he met in his lifetime, other stories he read or heard about, and his environment. The writer knownRead MoreA Response to Mark Twains the Lowest Animal Essay examples769 Words   |  4 PagesWhat makes a being more evolved? Who are we to say that humans are the most evolved or even the least? It is believed by some that we are descended from the higher animals, whereas others believe that we have ascended from the lower animals. In Mark Twains essay, The Lowest Animal (1896), he portrays the idea that the human race has no hope, as we have too many flaws. It is undeniable that we have our flaws, but what creature on this planet does not? The human race may not be perfect, or reachingRead More Mark Twain Essays1018 Words   |  5 Pages Mark Twain, a Racist?Mark Twain was a man that was way ahead of his time. In a time when people were judged on color,Mark Twain grew up in Florida, Missouri (Mandelbrot, Twain). In Missouri and Louisiana combined there were less than one half a million white persons (Chang, Twain p. 21). Which meant the black population was abundant. While growing up Twain had no telegraph, no railroads, no stage lines of any consequence (Twain, Also maps were scarcely ever found. So Twain didn’tRead MoreThe Damned Human Race by Mark Twain665 Words   |  3 Pages Mark Twain is arguably one of the greatest authors of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, writing unforgettable titles such as â€Å"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn† and â€Å"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer† which are still read by many today. However, it may be shocking for some to know he also endeavored in argumentative writing as well. â€Å"The Damned Human Race† is one such article. As with any Mark Twain writing, it is filled with emotion and thought. Although this article is extremely persuasive, dueRead MoreAnalysis Of Mark Twain s The Great Gatsby 974 Words   |  4 PagesMark Twain’s works are some of the most studied and exalted when it comes to American Literature. Twain lived in many different places in his life time, thus his works had roots in many different areas of American Culture. From a silver prospector to a printing press worker, he held many different jobs in these locations. He is also regarded as one of the greatest humorist s of American Literature. In fact, his works were considered to have no place in literature by many experts until the 1910’s

Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Brief Note On The Stages Of Pregnancy - 1398 Words

Whitney Keslar Jennifer Moffett ENG 1123-428 29 January 2016 Three Stages of Pregnancy Congratulations! You just found out that you are going to be a new mother. I am sure that you are experiencing a lot of emotions right now, such as excitement and fear. Pregnancy can be extremely overwhelming, regardless of whether it is your first, second or even fifth. â€Å"Each year there are approximately 4 million births in the U.S.† (Elbel par.2). Not only will the new mother-to-be go through these trimesters but the unborn child as well, which we will discuss. From personal experience, no two pregnancies are the same. My first pregnancy was a breeze and had no issues. My second one has been nothing but a headache. Don’t get me wrong pregnancy is rough, but hey a normal pregnancy only lasts for only nine months! Women who get to experience pregnancy will go through three stages called trimesters. The first stage is called the first trimester. Sounds simple enough right? This trimester is the most fragile one out of the three. It consists of week one through week thirteen. With this stage being the most critical part of the baby’s development, the brain, heart and lungs will develop during this time frame (Knapp par. 4). As for the mother, â€Å"Things a pregnant woman may experience in the first trimester include nausea, vomiting, food cravings, food aversions, fatigue, mood swings, constipation, swelling and tender breasts, frequent urination and headaches, according to the U.S. DepartmentShow MoreRelatedSmoking Cigarettes Affects The Body1172 Words   |  5 Pagesa growing concern since it has many disadvantages when it comes to pregnancy. However, for a long period of time, the world did not know the effects smoking had on our bodies. Therefore, recently smoking has been a nationwide controversial issue. Furthermore, women today are becoming more aware of the maj or health concerns, especially smoking during pregnancy. 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Pro: Aside from a brief (and very low-key) clip where a doctor does a minor surgery on an unborn fetus along with a few short clips of doctors performing ultrasound, there were NO HOSPITAL SCENES or doctors in the film. Woot! The best part ever: The film follows only one mother through her pregnancy and ends with her giving birth. I grumbled my way through a few mildly irritating parts of the film, but wheRead MoreThesis: Should Abortions Be Legal?6429 Words   |  26 PagesShould Abortions be Legal? Regina Corroa PH103 Informal Logic Barri Mallin June 20, 2010 Should Abortions be Legal? Thesis Abortion is defined as intentional termination of a pregnancy after conception (O’Brien). Abortion is a very touchy subject that has been around for thousands of years. When emotions are used for reasoning this is called a fallacy. With this particular issue the fallacy â€Å"slippery slope† is very common in the persuasion of arguments (Moore, p 182). 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In 1990 approximately 530,000 teenagers in the United States became pregnant, 51% of whom gave birth (Coley Chase-Lansdale, 1998). Available literature suggests that fertilityRead MoreEssay on Evaluating the Current Law on Abortion3636 Words   |  15 PagesEvaluating the Current Law on Abortion An abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before the foetus is developed enough to survive outside of the womb (viability). Abortion can be accidental (miscarriage) or deliberate (termination). The legal definition of ‘Abortion’ is the intentional destruction of the foetus in the womb, or any untimely delivery brought about with intent to cause the death of the foetus (William, textbook, 252) Medical definition is the removal

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Unit 7 Free Essays

string(70) " Feminists have sought to analyse the impact of family life on women\." Principal Sociological Perspectives P1 Unit 7 Functionalism This is the relationship between the parts of society; how aspects of society are functional (adaptive). A strength of Functionalism would be that it states that there are purposes for social conditions or facts. For example, under a functionalist point of view the newspaper deliverer and retail worker all contribute to the function of the entire unit–without serving these purposes, the social structure would not function properly. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit 7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also functionalism is considered vital for the smooth running of society, as Durkheim stated. A criticism of the functionalist approach would be it does not address areas of conflict, which undoubtedly characterise modern societies and in principle could be found in all societies. Functionalism assumes that there is consensus: that everyone in the structure holds the same norms and values; that we all essentially believe in and work for the same thing. Functionalism is a theory about the nature of mental states. According to functionalists, mental states are identified by what they do rather than by what they are made of. Functionalism is the most familiar or â€Å"received† view among philosophers of mind and cognitive science. Family Functionalists look at how the family as an institution, helps in maintain order and stability in society, and the significance of the family for its individual members. A well know functionalist who have written about the family is George. P. Murdock. Murdock carried out a study that included 250 families. From this he argued that the family achieves four basic functions for its individual members and society. He says these are ‘sexual’, ‘reproductive’, ‘economic’ and ‘educational’ functions. The sexual function refers to the sexual activity. Murdock argued that the family provides to the sexual needs of its adults and also limits sexual access of other member of the society thereby maintaining stability. The ‘reproductive’ function is manner and raising children. The family provides the society with new members and assume responsibility for raising them. The family is an ‘economic’ unit, with a division of labour along gender. Murdock considers this division of labour as rewarding for the spouses and as strengthening the bond between them, as they are perceived as doing distinct but complementary work. The ‘educational’ function that Murdock refers to, can also be known as ‘socialisation’. The family has the responsibility of transmitting a society’s way of life, norms and values to the younger members. This function is important because without culture the society wouldn’t survive; too much deviation from the norm would disrupt the stability of the society. Marxism The sociological perspective sees society as structures with interconnected parts, and focuses on the structural features of society, emphasising social differences and the conflicting interests and values of different groups in society. Proletariat – Class of poor people who work for wages. Bourgeoise – Class of wealthy people who have their own means of wealth. Strengths would be that it recognises the power interests of different groups and is good at explaining conflict and change in society. It stresses the role of class struggle (conflict) within society between the proletariat (workers) and the bourgeoisie (owners). Weakness would be that it doesn’t recognise that people are socially active, with some power and the ability to make choices and influence the direction of their own lives. It focuses on the economy as the driving force of social behaviour and ignores other important influences such as gender, ethnicity and religion. Marxism is a political and sociological perspective based on the work of Karl Marx (1818-1883) Marx provided an account of the new class based society that emerged after the industrial revolution. The Marxist perspective questions the functionalist idea that business owners and bosses are morally entitled to keep profits for they are part of the ruling ideology in capitalist society. Family Friedrich Engels is a famous Marxist. He believed that during the early stages of human evolution that property was collectively owned and that the family did not exist. The community formed the family and there was no restraint to sexual access. Although with the development of private ownership of property and the idea of having successors who were to inherit the property, the question of paternity grew in importance and the rules of monogamous marriage were created to control woman’s sexuality and assure the legitimacy of heirs. Feminism Capitalist – Another word for a member of the bourgeoisie Feminism is a movement for social, cultural, political and economic equality of men and women. It is a campaign against gender inequalities and it strives for equal rights for women. Feminism can be also defined as the right to enough information available to every single woman so that she can make a choice to live a life which is not discriminatory and which works within the principles of social, cultural, political and economic equality and independence. Strengths that the sociological feminist theorists had were on how their perception of womanhood was socially constructed and not even real. A weakness of it is that it felt as though the sociological feminists are very judgmental and it feels as though almost all men and most people looked down on women. There are 3 main types of feminist approach: * Marxist feminism * Radical feminism * Liberal feminism Marxist feminism Marxists feminists see woman as oppressed by capitalism and by men or the patriarchal society. They believe that woman produce the next generation of workers and those they provide all the key needs to meet for their children; and prepare them for the work life. They support their partners and cook, clean, and care for the family. Radical Feminism Radical feminists believe that it is not capitalism that dominates woman, and that it is men. They see the woman as the housewife and mother. Liberal Feminism These feminists believe that changes have happened. They believe that since new legislations have been bought out that there is now more equality. Legislation and policy changing, leads to liberal feminists believing that improvements will always be made Family Feminists have sought to analyse the impact of family life on women. You read "Unit 7" in category "Papers" Regardless of the numerous differences in their approach and main concern, different feminists tend to agree that women occupy a subordinate position in the family and are exploited in various ways. The Marxist feminists consider capitalism as the main exploiter. This exploitation is seen in terms of the unpaid work they carry out at home. Like the Marxist, they believe that the family also serves capitalism by reproducing the future labour force, but they also assert that it is not the family as such that suffers more, but the women. It is women that bear the children and assume the main responsibility for their care. Women are also exploited in that they are expected to provide outlets for all the frustration and anger that their husband experience at work and therefore prevent them from rebelling against their employers. Interactionism The interactionist’s perspective is a major theoretical perspective; it focuses on the concrete details of what goes on among individuals in everyday life. It derives social processes (such as conflict, cooperation, identity formation) from human interaction. Its focus is on small groups and how they influence individual behaviour in society. A strength of this would be that it takes into account an individual’s choices they make and how they behave (their free will). It cannot explain where people get the meanings to symbols and that it ends up drawing these answers from other sociological theories, and it doesn’t explain social order and how it comes about; this would be a weakness. They do not study where the social roles come from. The evidence of symbolic interaction is that humans use symbols to understand and interact properly with the natural and social world. Symbolic interactionism is a theory of social cognition, which models human interaction among significant concepts like identity, language, meaning, labeling and roles. Family The interactionalist perspective looks at the family dynamics. This view explores the interaction of the family members; this is back and forth talk, gestures and actions that go on in families. The interactionist perspective refuses to identify a â€Å"natural family structure†. The family is not a stock social unit but the creation of its participants as they spontaneously relate to one another. Postmodernism This is an approach that emphases on the quick changing and uncertainty in our society. Postmodernists suggest that we cannot talk about well-known institutions such as the family, religion or the economy because nothing stays the same. Postmodernists think that because there is constant change you cannot use structuralist perspectives such as Functionalism and Marxism to understand society. Strength of postmodernism would be that it provides a good critique of modernism and helpfully stresses the use of the aesthetic. Weakness would be that Postmodernism, like modernism, is characterized by astounding arrogance. Family Other theories believe that nuclear family is dominant family type within society; postmodernists disagree with this opinion and have different views. Postmodernists argue that this structural approach ignores moral relativism of individuals that they always have a choice of family type and nobody can judge them. Also modernists ignore the increase of family diversity; however there is no ‘best’ family type anymore. Collectivism Collectivism is an approach to providing health and social care services that is reinforced by a government commitment to provide care and support for the vulnerable, funded through taxation and National Insurance. This contrasts with the ‘New right’ that consider welfare to be the responsibility of the individual and their family and believe that the state should play a minimal role. An emphasis is placed on unification and a common purpose. Families are considered very important for personal growth. An advantage to living in a collectivist society is that the group members are close-knit and care for and help one another, which is not always the case in an individualistic society. Another strength would be that communication is very important in a collective group. No one is left out of the mix, and everyone is involved in making decisions. A weakness would be that collectivism stifles individuality and diversity by insisting upon a common social identity, such as nationalism, racialism, feminism, or some other group focus. Also collectivism is linked to statism and the diminution of freedom when political authority is used to advance collectivist goals. Family Family ties will be different in different cultures; they will be strong in a collectivist society, Collectivist societies will be more characterized by coexistence of several generations within the household and stronger ties towards the larger family clan. ‘New right’ This is political movement made up especially of Protestants, opposed especially to secular humanism, and concerned with issues especially of church and state, patriotism, laissez-faire economics, pornography, and abortion. They believe that welfare should be largely seen as the responsibility of the individual and their family. The New Right regarded tate support as intrusive and supporting a dependency culture. Mrs Thatcher thought the welfare state produced a society in which people relied on state benefits rather than planning for the future and taking responsibility for their own needs and responsibility. A Strength of this would be that it would get more people that can work but don’t, to go out and work. Also it would benefit people because they would be going out earning their own money and it would be a good social factor. A Weakness of this would be that how do you get the people that have been off work for such a long time back into education and work. Family The New Right Family Ideology is patriarchal, the family is male dominant. Feminists argue that this is negative for women. It ignores the dark side of the family e. g. domestic abuse, poverty, conflict. It is harmful, calling other family-types ‘inadequate’ – schools, advertisements and television reinforce this idea. It is anti-social – it stereotypes, labels and discriminates against other family-types; ‘inadequate’ and has a ‘Them and Us’ theory – Nuclear families are the only family type, other family types aren’t families. How to cite Unit 7, Papers Unit 7 Free Essays string(70) " Feminists have sought to analyse the impact of family life on women\." Principal Sociological Perspectives P1 Unit 7 Functionalism This is the relationship between the parts of society; how aspects of society are functional (adaptive). A strength of Functionalism would be that it states that there are purposes for social conditions or facts. For example, under a functionalist point of view the newspaper deliverer and retail worker all contribute to the function of the entire unit–without serving these purposes, the social structure would not function properly. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit 7 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also functionalism is considered vital for the smooth running of society, as Durkheim stated. A criticism of the functionalist approach would be it does not address areas of conflict, which undoubtedly characterise modern societies and in principle could be found in all societies. Functionalism assumes that there is consensus: that everyone in the structure holds the same norms and values; that we all essentially believe in and work for the same thing. Functionalism is a theory about the nature of mental states. According to functionalists, mental states are identified by what they do rather than by what they are made of. Functionalism is the most familiar or â€Å"received† view among philosophers of mind and cognitive science. Family Functionalists look at how the family as an institution, helps in maintain order and stability in society, and the significance of the family for its individual members. A well know functionalist who have written about the family is George. P. Murdock. Murdock carried out a study that included 250 families. From this he argued that the family achieves four basic functions for its individual members and society. He says these are ‘sexual’, ‘reproductive’, ‘economic’ and ‘educational’ functions. The sexual function refers to the sexual activity. Murdock argued that the family provides to the sexual needs of its adults and also limits sexual access of other member of the society thereby maintaining stability. The ‘reproductive’ function is manner and raising children. The family provides the society with new members and assume responsibility for raising them. The family is an ‘economic’ unit, with a division of labour along gender. Murdock considers this division of labour as rewarding for the spouses and as strengthening the bond between them, as they are perceived as doing distinct but complementary work. The ‘educational’ function that Murdock refers to, can also be known as ‘socialisation’. The family has the responsibility of transmitting a society’s way of life, norms and values to the younger members. This function is important because without culture the society wouldn’t survive; too much deviation from the norm would disrupt the stability of the society. Marxism The sociological perspective sees society as structures with interconnected parts, and focuses on the structural features of society, emphasising social differences and the conflicting interests and values of different groups in society. Proletariat – Class of poor people who work for wages. Bourgeoise – Class of wealthy people who have their own means of wealth. Strengths would be that it recognises the power interests of different groups and is good at explaining conflict and change in society. It stresses the role of class struggle (conflict) within society between the proletariat (workers) and the bourgeoisie (owners). Weakness would be that it doesn’t recognise that people are socially active, with some power and the ability to make choices and influence the direction of their own lives. It focuses on the economy as the driving force of social behaviour and ignores other important influences such as gender, ethnicity and religion. Marxism is a political and sociological perspective based on the work of Karl Marx (1818-1883) Marx provided an account of the new class based society that emerged after the industrial revolution. The Marxist perspective questions the functionalist idea that business owners and bosses are morally entitled to keep profits for they are part of the ruling ideology in capitalist society. Family Friedrich Engels is a famous Marxist. He believed that during the early stages of human evolution that property was collectively owned and that the family did not exist. The community formed the family and there was no restraint to sexual access. Although with the development of private ownership of property and the idea of having successors who were to inherit the property, the question of paternity grew in importance and the rules of monogamous marriage were created to control woman’s sexuality and assure the legitimacy of heirs. Feminism Capitalist – Another word for a member of the bourgeoisie Feminism is a movement for social, cultural, political and economic equality of men and women. It is a campaign against gender inequalities and it strives for equal rights for women. Feminism can be also defined as the right to enough information available to every single woman so that she can make a choice to live a life which is not discriminatory and which works within the principles of social, cultural, political and economic equality and independence. Strengths that the sociological feminist theorists had were on how their perception of womanhood was socially constructed and not even real. A weakness of it is that it felt as though the sociological feminists are very judgmental and it feels as though almost all men and most people looked down on women. There are 3 main types of feminist approach: * Marxist feminism * Radical feminism * Liberal feminism Marxist feminism Marxists feminists see woman as oppressed by capitalism and by men or the patriarchal society. They believe that woman produce the next generation of workers and those they provide all the key needs to meet for their children; and prepare them for the work life. They support their partners and cook, clean, and care for the family. Radical Feminism Radical feminists believe that it is not capitalism that dominates woman, and that it is men. They see the woman as the housewife and mother. Liberal Feminism These feminists believe that changes have happened. They believe that since new legislations have been bought out that there is now more equality. Legislation and policy changing, leads to liberal feminists believing that improvements will always be made Family Feminists have sought to analyse the impact of family life on women. You read "Unit 7" in category "Essay examples" Regardless of the numerous differences in their approach and main concern, different feminists tend to agree that women occupy a subordinate position in the family and are exploited in various ways. The Marxist feminists consider capitalism as the main exploiter. This exploitation is seen in terms of the unpaid work they carry out at home. Like the Marxist, they believe that the family also serves capitalism by reproducing the future labour force, but they also assert that it is not the family as such that suffers more, but the women. It is women that bear the children and assume the main responsibility for their care. Women are also exploited in that they are expected to provide outlets for all the frustration and anger that their husband experience at work and therefore prevent them from rebelling against their employers. Interactionism The interactionist’s perspective is a major theoretical perspective; it focuses on the concrete details of what goes on among individuals in everyday life. It derives social processes (such as conflict, cooperation, identity formation) from human interaction. Its focus is on small groups and how they influence individual behaviour in society. A strength of this would be that it takes into account an individual’s choices they make and how they behave (their free will). It cannot explain where people get the meanings to symbols and that it ends up drawing these answers from other sociological theories, and it doesn’t explain social order and how it comes about; this would be a weakness. They do not study where the social roles come from. The evidence of symbolic interaction is that humans use symbols to understand and interact properly with the natural and social world. Symbolic interactionism is a theory of social cognition, which models human interaction among significant concepts like identity, language, meaning, labeling and roles. Family The interactionalist perspective looks at the family dynamics. This view explores the interaction of the family members; this is back and forth talk, gestures and actions that go on in families. The interactionist perspective refuses to identify a â€Å"natural family structure†. The family is not a stock social unit but the creation of its participants as they spontaneously relate to one another. Postmodernism This is an approach that emphases on the quick changing and uncertainty in our society. Postmodernists suggest that we cannot talk about well-known institutions such as the family, religion or the economy because nothing stays the same. Postmodernists think that because there is constant change you cannot use structuralist perspectives such as Functionalism and Marxism to understand society. Strength of postmodernism would be that it provides a good critique of modernism and helpfully stresses the use of the aesthetic. Weakness would be that Postmodernism, like modernism, is characterized by astounding arrogance. Family Other theories believe that nuclear family is dominant family type within society; postmodernists disagree with this opinion and have different views. Postmodernists argue that this structural approach ignores moral relativism of individuals that they always have a choice of family type and nobody can judge them. Also modernists ignore the increase of family diversity; however there is no ‘best’ family type anymore. Collectivism Collectivism is an approach to providing health and social care services that is reinforced by a government commitment to provide care and support for the vulnerable, funded through taxation and National Insurance. This contrasts with the ‘New right’ that consider welfare to be the responsibility of the individual and their family and believe that the state should play a minimal role. An emphasis is placed on unification and a common purpose. Families are considered very important for personal growth. An advantage to living in a collectivist society is that the group members are close-knit and care for and help one another, which is not always the case in an individualistic society. Another strength would be that communication is very important in a collective group. No one is left out of the mix, and everyone is involved in making decisions. A weakness would be that collectivism stifles individuality and diversity by insisting upon a common social identity, such as nationalism, racialism, feminism, or some other group focus. Also collectivism is linked to statism and the diminution of freedom when political authority is used to advance collectivist goals. Family Family ties will be different in different cultures; they will be strong in a collectivist society, Collectivist societies will be more characterized by coexistence of several generations within the household and stronger ties towards the larger family clan. ‘New right’ This is political movement made up especially of Protestants, opposed especially to secular humanism, and concerned with issues especially of church and state, patriotism, laissez-faire economics, pornography, and abortion. They believe that welfare should be largely seen as the responsibility of the individual and their family. The New Right regarded tate support as intrusive and supporting a dependency culture. Mrs Thatcher thought the welfare state produced a society in which people relied on state benefits rather than planning for the future and taking responsibility for their own needs and responsibility. A Strength of this would be that it would get more people that can work but don’t, to go out and work. Also it would benefit people because they would be going out earning their own money and it would be a good social factor. A Weakness of this would be that how do you get the people that have been off work for such a long time back into education and work. Family The New Right Family Ideology is patriarchal, the family is male dominant. Feminists argue that this is negative for women. It ignores the dark side of the family e. g. domestic abuse, poverty, conflict. It is harmful, calling other family-types ‘inadequate’ – schools, advertisements and television reinforce this idea. It is anti-social – it stereotypes, labels and discriminates against other family-types; ‘inadequate’ and has a ‘Them and Us’ theory – Nuclear families are the only family type, other family types aren’t families. How to cite Unit 7, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Marketing Strategy for East Coast Trawl

Questions: 1. How should East Coast Trawl be positioned given its strong competitive environment? 2. What competitive advantages can be identified for East Coast Trawl? 3. Outline a suitable marketing strategy to implement the positioning? Answers: Introduction Supply chain design that a company or organization employs is very important in determining how competitive an organization is. Supply chain management is therefore used determining the success of an organization in the market (Shah, 2009). Supply chain management refers to an integrative method of managing the supply and distribution of a companys products in the market. Supply chain management helps the company to costs in the organization as well as helping the company to reach its final consumers. The supply chain design that a company adopts helps it to have a competitive advantage over its rivals. Competitive advantage is defined as the business secret or aspect that is unique in each and every organization which enables it to compete effectively in the market (Pride ferrell, 2010). Given the level of competition in the food industry and precisely the fishing business, it is very important for East Coast Trawl Fisheries to adopt a suitable supply chain design that will help it to compete effectively. 1. Market Positioning Given the characteristics of the company East Coast Trawl, the Michael Porters generic strategies can be applied in positioning the company in the market. Product or market positioning is defined as hoe a customer identifies with that particular brand or product (Tybout Calder, 2010). This simply means what comes to mind of a consumer when he/she hears or sees the product. Positioning is very important in helping the company segment its market. Through market segmentation, the company will be able to target consumers who fit its profile. The makes the marketing of a companies` products much easier and less costly (Quayle, 2006). The competition from imports which are majorly from Asia makes it very necessary for the management of the company to position itself as a cost leader in the market. This is because most of the imports from Asia are cheap due to the fact that their costs of production are low. For this reason, East Coast Trawl Fisheries have to adopt a strategy that will ena ble them to absorb this competition from foreign imports so that it can remain relevant in the market. The company should therefore market and advertise itself as offering the best quality products at the lowest price in the market. 2. Competitive Advantage The competitive advantage possessed by East Coast Trawl Fisheries is its large size compared to its competitors. The company is large in size and this means that it produces the fish in large number. The company can use its size to take advantage of the economies of scale that they experience due to the large scale of production. ECTF should position itself as a cost leader in the market. The cost leadership strategy involved helps a firm in attaining market share or market leadership through appealing to consumers who are sensitive to price of products. This strategy works best where the target population of the company is mainly composed of low income earners (Lamb, Hair Mcdaniel, 2012). This means that their demand or levels of consumption will be greatly influenced by how cheap or expensive the product is. The strategy involves offering the lowest prices in the market while at the same time making profits and achieving high returns on investments (Baines, Fill Page, 2010). This can only be achieved if the company is able to produce at very low cost. This strategy will work perfectly well for East Coast Trawl Fisheries because they incur a large proportion of fixed costs. If the company produces in large scale therefore, the costs will be shared among many units and this will result to a decrease in per unit cost of production and therefore the company will be able to offer its products at a lower price. 3. The cost leadership strategy The cost leadership strategy will help East Coast Trawl Fisheries increase its market share hence solidifying its market leadership position. The disadvantage of this strategy to the company is that the company will not enjoy customer loyalty since customers who are sensitive to price may change their preference once their levels of income increase (Marich, 2013). East Coast Trawl Fisheries can also combine cost leadership marketing strategy with differentiation strategy. This will be made possible by the competitive advantage of the company being able to produce different species of fish which its competitors lack. The company can therefore take advantage of this and differentiate its products. The company can package different varieties differently and sell at different prices. This strategy is however suitable to a market segment that is not sensitive to price (Brenkert, 2008).Since the company operates over a large geographical area, this strategy can work well for (ECTF). The company should segment its market and target areas where peoples levels of income are high. The company should therefore market its products in this segment as being of very high quality and tailor made to cater for the specific needs of consumers. Since the company practices wild catch and farmed aquaculture, differentiation will be very effective to this market. Supply Chain Mapping Supply chain mapping is a process involving tracking the movement of all materials, processes and shipment involved in delivering a product to the market. It involves in accounting for physical flow of goods and the information flow (Kersten, 2011). Use of online supply chain will improve the marketing and delivery of goods by (ECTF). Recommendations (ECTF) should adopt a multi-dimensional marketing strategy in order to cope with rising competition levels. The company should put in place a team to manage marketing and promotional activities of the company in order to make it more competitive. Supply chain mapping should be adopted by the company to help to account for the flow of its products. Information from this process can be used to improve marketing of (ECTF) Conclusion The way a company positions itself or its products is important in determining the success of that organization in the market. This is because the positioning of the product in the market will determine the marketing strategy that the company will adopt. In the face of the increasing competition in many sectors of the economy, marketing is very important to each and every company in order to gain and maintain its market share. Supply chain design is another core competence that a company can use to gain competitive advantage over its rivals. This is achieved through reduction of costs incurred by the company in delivering the product to the final consumer. This will mean that its prices will be low hence its products are more competitive in the market. References: Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F., McdanieL, C. D. (2012). Essentials of marketing. Mason, ohio, south-western cengage learning. Marich, R. (2013). Marketing to moviegoers: a handbook of strategies and tactics. Carbondale, southern illinois university press. Pride, W. M., Ferrell, O. C. (2010). Marketing. Australia, south western cengage learning. Tybout, A. M., Calder, B. J. (2010). Kellogg on marketing. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley. Http:// Brenkert, G. G. (2008). Marketing ethics. Malden, ma [u.a.], Blackwell. Baines, P., Fill, C., Page, K. (2010). Marketing. Oxford, oxford university press. Quayle, M. (2006). Purchasing and supply chain management: strategies and realities. Hershey, PA, Idea Group Publ. Kersten, W. (2011). International supply chain management and collaboration practices. Lohmar [u.a.], Eul. Shah, J. (2009). Supply chain management: text and cases. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Pearson Education.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

I Heart Italian Subs free essay sample

Mmmmm †¦ my mouth is watering just thinking about the wonderfulness that is an Italian sub. The outside is created from a hearty loaf of Italian white bread, toasted to perfection to have just the right combination of crunchy goodness. Spilled onto that delicious bread are the oil and vinegar, giving the whole sub its gift of tangy flavor. The tomatoes are so juicy, when you bite into one, the tomato juice blasts open into a waterfall of healthy goodness. The crisp lettuce that’s piled on top of the tomatoes easily enhances the flavor of the entire sub. Now, we’ll move on to the meats. The ham, just moist enough, leaves the most scrumptious taste in the back of my mouth. The chewy salami makes me want to party all night long, because that’s how long the delicious flavor lasts. And, lastly, but definitely not least, the spicy capicola stings me right back, reminding me to enjoy the flavor while it lasts. We will write a custom essay sample on I Heart Italian Subs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The provolone cheese on the top of the meats is almost like a container, containing the entire flavor of the sub itself, dispersing it with every bite. Ooh, I have to go now†¦I need one of those subs immediately!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Iran and the United Arab Emirates essays

Iran and the United Arab Emirates essays Numerous international conflicts exist among different world nations, occasionally resulting in serious escalation that results in the outbreak of destructive wars as in the cases of the Irani-Iraqi war, the Gulf War, the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, or the Arab-Israeli conflict. Some conflicts have resulted in prolonged quasi-war situations as in the disputes over Kashmir and Cyprus. Many conflicts are also resolved through legal and diplomatic means and forums as in the commercial disputes between the US and the European Community. Conflicts over territorial sovereignty tend to be more serious and threatening to world peace and order, especially when they result in massive losses of human lives and property, the creation of refugee situations, or political and national humiliation. The conflict between Iran and the UAE related to the territorial sovereignty over the islands of Abu Musa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb, however, tend to be an exception concerning other conflicts over te rritorial sovereignty. The conflict between Iran and the United Arab Emirates related to sovereignty and jurisdiction over the three islands of Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa has dominated the relations between the two countries for more than three decades, and today, this conflict remains one major obstacle to the development of international relations in the Gulf region. The conflict is further complicated by the fact that it has political, cultural, historic and strategic dimensions. Yet at the same time, this conflict is not an unstable dispute that could give any rise to the use of force or to the outbreak of violent confrontation between the two parties involved. Accordingly, peaceful diplomatic and political perspectives are highly expected to bring out a resolution in the end, regardless of the difficulties that face such a prospect. Historical Background of the Conflict Historically and for centuries, the three islands subject...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bonuses for senior executives in the banking sector should only be Essay

Bonuses for senior executives in the banking sector should only be paid for genuine excellence - Essay Example For example, a Sales Director will earn bonuses if turnover targets are met and exceeded (Nkomo, Fottler and McAfee, 2010: 85-93). Recent years have been characterized by an outcry against paying of bonuses to senior corporate executives. This is mainly due to malpractices by top executives to ensure they earn high salaries with little regard to how the company is performing or stockholder value. These malpractices include accounting fraud. Bonuses remain popular with firms because in today’s world of heightened competition and reduced profitability, bonuses represent a variable rather than fixed cost (Murphy, 2005: 110-117). It is also widely believed that bonuses create motivation, which leads to organizational performance. Bonuses help to attract and retain managerial talent and motivate executives to perform to the best of their abilities and prevent executive dissatisfaction. It has been argued that rather than incentivizing executives to raise shareholder returns, bonuses have been turned into rent-seeking avenues by self-interested executives. This defeats the main logic behind paying of bonuses, which is to tie executive pay closely to organizational performance (Kieff and Paredes, 2010: 44-49). At the same time, it has been argued that executive bonuses affect firms negatively. Performance-based bonuses foster individualism, business aggression and uncertainty. Bonuses create competitiveness among the executives which hurts cooperation. Bonuses encourage executives to take unreasonably high risks and make short-sighted decisions that may not be good for the firm’s long-term prospects. It is also argued that senior executives spend a great deal of time and focus on their past and expected bonuses than on the returns of shareholders. Bonuses also foster bad relations and resentment between the executive and the lower ranking staff (Marchica, 200 4: 8-15). Bonuses are rooted in two theories; the Expectancy theory and Agency

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should the potential benefits of financial system innovation deter Essay

Should the potential benefits of financial system innovation deter regulators from imposing restrictions on the activities of fi - Essay Example Firstly, it spurs economic growth by facilitating the easy flow of funds from the agents who have less or limited productive projects to agents with higher productive avenues. Secondly, the level of risk taken by an investor is reduced on account of a broader availability of assets resulting in greater diversification benefits and risk sharing. However, the above views have come under tremendous criticism with the predication that financial innovation reduces the risk exposure of the investors. The financial innovation was essentially introduced from a positive perspective but it has been seen that these innovations had a negative impact on the overall economy. Though the main purpose of this innovation was to aid the growing external debt market in U.S., it is now blamed to be the pivotal cause of the recent credit turmoil. To avoid such recurrences in the future, the regulatory bodies need to exercise a greater control over the financial markets. (Piazza, â€Å"Financial Innovatio n and Risk, The Role of Information†). Financial innovation: bane or boon Innovation is a ‘double-edged sword’. ... This blend of good and bad means the views on financial innovation is likely to be very subjective. As in the case of automobile inventions, while some view it as a gain for the economy and society; there are others, though very few in number, who believe that pollution and accidental deaths arising from this invention outweigh the societal and economic benefits. According to analysts, ‘financial innovation’ caused the recent financial crisis with the extent of culpability ranging from secondary to extreme. According to some, financial innovation has led to some very effective inventions such as the ATM machine whereas the other financial inventions like Structured Investment Vehicles (SIV’s) are a bane. The list of positive innovations includes Automated Teller Machine (ATM), debit cards, money market funds, exchanged traded funds, indexed mutual funds, currency and interest rate swaps (The Brookings Institution, â€Å"The Pros and Cons of Financial Innovationâ € ). The use of debit cards has enhanced the attractiveness of accounts as people no longer have to stand in queues to withdraw money. The introduction of financial swaps has empowered the businesses to hedge against any unforeseen circumstances. So, if a business with a huge export base is wary of depreciation of the receivables then it can take a suitable position in the currency swap. By this way, the value of its receivables remains intact. Similarly, a prospective borrower afraid of rise in interest rates, can buy forward rate agreements (FRAs) that will safeguard his position in the event of any unfavorable movement in interest rates. Financial innovation has empowered the domestic companies to raise the necessary funds or invest surpluses in the foreign capital markets.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Culture and purchase intention for luxury consumption Literature review

Culture and purchase intention for luxury consumption - Literature review Example ect of culture has become more relevant in the globalized world where organizations are targeting the international market in a strategy to increase their revenue. Cultural aspects such as attitude, religions, behavior and information-access influence the consumer decision making process. The hospitality and tourism industry have faced a big challenge while targeting this portion of the customer profile as they enter new markets (Truong, McColl & Kitchen, 2009). Understanding the intention of consumers as they buy luxury products is a priority if such companies have to suit the needs of their target market. The purpose of this review is to establish cultural influence within the luxury market and how this may impact a tourism and hospitality industry. While there is a concession that different countries have different luxury consumption patterns, the influence of culture in this market still remains a contentious issue (Blevis et al., 2007). Secondly, the review seeks to analyze the customer intention and the way culture impacts on this intention within the luxury market. The priority of any managers is to satisfy customers, which can only be accomplished when companies understand customers’ purchase intentions. Through a critical review, the article will analyze the impact of culture and customer intention in the purchase of luxury brands and provide conclusions and implications for the analysis. Therefore, the article will provide a platform through which luxury companies can launch successful brands that satisfy the global luxury market. The luxury market has become one of the potential investment markets in the 21 century. Currently, the luxury market is estimated to have a value of over 300 billion Euros and statistic projections shows that the market is rapidly growing. The luxury market is expected to grow by more than 7% percent each year, which promises high revenue in the future of the market. Besides, countries such as Middle East that have shown

Friday, November 15, 2019

Assessment Of The Validity Of Legal Realism Philosophy Essay

Assessment Of The Validity Of Legal Realism Philosophy Essay The turn of the 20th century instigated the rejection of the formalism movement of John Austin, Jeremy Bentham, John Mill and David Hume. Realists sought to put in its place a more sociological account of the law in action.  [2]  The three leading members of the American realist movement were Oliver Wendell Holmes Jnr,  [3]  Jerome Frank  [4]  and Karl N. Llewellyn.  [5]  67 Principles Realists were preoccupied with empirical questions such as attempting to identify the sociological and psychological factors influencing judicial decision making.  [8]  One could argue that their implicit conceptual loyalties were positivist in theory, as they did not reject the notion that courts may be constrained by rules. However, realists did argue that the Courts exercise discretion much more often than is generally supposed.  [9]  Further they denied the naturalist and positivist views that Judges were influenced mainly by legal rules, they (realists) attach greater significance to political and moral intuitions about the facts of a case.  [10]   II American Realists A. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jnr Oliver Wendell Holmes Jnr (Holmes) could be called the intellectual and spiritual father of American Realism, and played a fundamental part in bringing about a changed attitude to law.  [11]  Holmes attempted to formulate a theory of law that was both responsive and stable for the changing nature of modern life.  [12]  13He commenced with the fundamental question of liability: What duty do human beings owe to one another?  [14]   Formalist legal doctrine held that there could be no liability without fault, that people should not be held responsible for acts that they did not cause or over which they had no control.  [15]  16Holmes considered an alternative to this intent standard that If the act was voluntary, it is totally immaterial that the detriment which followed from it was neither intended nor due to the negligence of the actor (ie. strict liability).  [17]  Holmes argued that the proper object of the law was to publicize social duties by giving individuals a fair chance to avoid harm before being responsible for it it was not to instil individual morality through punishment.  [18]   Holmes believed in defining the law by reference to what the Court actually said it was, to consider what the law is, not what it ought to be.  [19]  He famously declared The common law is not a brooding omnipresence in the sky, but the articulate voice of some sovereign or quasi sovereign that can be identified.  [20]   Further, Holmes introduced the bad man. As a moral skeptic, Holmes stated if you want to know the law and nothing else, you must look at it as a bad man, who cares only for the material consequences which such knowledge enables him to predict.  [21]  Holmes defined the law in accordance with his pragmatic judicial philosophy. He believed that legal developments could be scientifically justified: the true science of law consisted in the establishment of its postulates from within upon accurately measured social desires instead of tradition.  [22]   B. Jerome Frank Jerome Frank (Frank) has been described as the most radical of the American realists.  [23]  Frank believed that there are two groups of realists, rule skeptics who regard legal uncertainty as residing principally in the paper rules of law and who seek to discover uniformities in actual judicial behaviour, and fact skeptics, who think that the unpredictability of court decisions resides primarily in the elusiveness of facts.  [24]  The former, Frank proposes, makes the mistake of concentrating on appellate courts, whereas it is to the actions of trial courts that attention should be most directed.  [25]   Frank believed that for most realists, in their preoccupation with appellate courts, missed the important aspect of unpredictability in the judicial process: the elusiveness of facts.  [26]  Thus, the various prejudices of judges and jurors  [27]  often crucially affect the outcome of a case.  [28]   Further, the main impetus of Franks attack was directed against the notion that certainty could be achieved through legal rules.  [29]  Frank believed this to be absurd.  [30]  Frank stressed that the text-book approach, which treats the law as no more than a collection of abstract rules, is grossly misleading and that much of legal uncertainty is inherent and not due to deliberate mystification.  [31]  We want the law to be certain, Frank stated, because of our deep need for security and safety which is endemic to children.  [32]  As a child places his/her trust in the wisdom of his/her father, so we seek in the law and other institutions a similarly comforting security.  [33]   C. Karl N. Llewellyn Karl Lleyellyns (Llewellyn) most noteworthy contribution to realism is his functionalism, which perceives law as serving certain fundamental functions.  [34]  35For Llewellyn, an institution is an organised activity which is built around doing a job or a cluster of jobs. A major institutions job cluster is fundamental to the continuance of the society or group in which it operates.  [36]  If society is to survive, certain basic needs must be satisfied, which engenders conflict which must be resolved.  [37]   Much of Llewellyns interest has been focussed on what Llewellyn calls the ways in which in various types of community the law jobs are actually carried out.  [38]  Law Jobs are the basic functions of the law, which, for Llewellyn, are two-fold: to make group survival possible, but additionally, to quest for justice, efficiency and a richer life.  [39]   Law jobs are identified as being the: disposition of troubled cases; preventive channelling and the reorientation of conduct and expectations so as to avoid trouble; allocation of authority and the arrangement of procedures which legitimatize action as being authoritative; net organisation of the group or society as a whole so as to provide direction and incentive.  [40]   Llewellyn sees these law jobs as universal  [41]  and regards the most important job the law has is the disposition of troubled cases.  [42]  He puts forward his theory of them as a general framework for the functional analysis of law.  [43]  The first three law jobs describe bare bones law, but out of them may emerge, although Llewellyn gives no indication how, the additional questing phase of the legal order.  [44]   Further, in addition to major institutions, there are also minor institutions such as crafts which consist of the skills held by a body of specialists,  [45]  handed down from generation to generation by a process of education and practical example.  [46]  The practice of law is the practice of a set of crafts, and of these one of the most important is what is called the juristic method.  [47]   In the common law, says Llewellyn, the practice of the courts has fluctuated between two types of style which he names the Grand Style and the Formal Style. The Grand Style is based on an appeal to reason and does not involve a following of precedent; regard is paid to the reputation of the Judge deciding the earlier case, and principle is consulted in order to ensure that precedent is not a mere verbal tool, but a generalisation which yields patent sense as well as order.  [48]  Policy, comes in for explicit examination and the Grand Style is also categorised by resort to what Llewellyn calls situation sense.  [49]  The Formal Style is not so concerned with social facts.  [50]  Its underlying notion is that the rules of law decide the cases and policy is for the legislature not for the Courts.  [51]  This approach is authoritarian, formal and logical.  [52]   In the early nineteenth century, the Grand Style was employed, although, from the middle of the nineteenth century Llewellyn detected a shift towards the Formal Style.  [53]  However, by the middle of the twentieth century evidence shows a shift back to the Grand Style, a development which Llewellyn applauded by remarking as the best device ever invented by man for drying up that free-flowing spring of uncertainty, conflict between the seeming commands of the authorities and the felt demands of justice.  [54]   III Critics of Legal Realism Critics have branded legal realists as anti-democratic and totalitarian.  [55]  56Their core claim being, according to author Brian Leiter, that judges respond primarily to the stimulus of facts decisions are reached on the basis of a judicial consideration of what seems fair on the facts of the case, rather than on the basis of the applicable legal rule.  [57]   Further, Frank has been characterized as the prime representative of the radical tendency in American legal realism the realist who turned his back on legal rules and declared them to be well nigh valueless.  [58]  This characterization became official, as it were, with the publication of Professor Harts  [59]  (Hart) The Concept of Law in 1961.  [60]   In distinguishing formalism and realist rule-scepticism, Hart criticizes the rule-sceptics for focussing only on the function of rules in judicial decisions and ignoring those secondary rules which confer judicial and legislative power.  [61]  Hart found Franks work to be illustrative of the sceptical tradition in American legal realism,  [62]  although Frank himself distinguished scepticism as to rules and scepticism as to facts, declaring himself to be a fact-sceptic.  [63]   Llewellyns work has also attracted criticism from a number of standpoints.  [64]  From insisting on the universality of his law jobs, Alan Hunt argues that he  [65]  stumbles into a major theoretical deficiency of functionalism of imposing on disparate phenomena, from different societies and different historical periods, an a priori unity.  [66]  Further, William Twining (Twining) concedes that the Grand Style/Formal Style dichotomy has its drawbacks for it may be dangerous and misleading to pidgeon-hole judges or courts into styles as it is to lump jurists into schools.  [67]  68 IV Support for Legal Realism Holmes was concerned with promoting a new and more experimental and constructive attitude to social life and thought, but avoided making any specific proposals as a programme to be realised.  [69]  Author, John Dewey praised Holmes on this very ground, because he had no social panaceas to dole out, no fixed social programme, no code of fixed ends to be realised.  [70]   However, in Twinings view the main achievement of the realist movement was to concretise sociological jurisprudenceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.  [71]  The relationship between the realist movement and sociological jurisprudence is a strong one.  [72]  Its connections with psychology, anthropology, economics and sociology are clear.  [73]   Further, author Brian Leiter (Leiter) sought to remedy many of the myths and misconceptions surrounding American realism.  [74]  Leiter challenges the view that realism is a  [75]  jurisprudential joke, a tissue of philosophical confusion.  [76]  Leiter maintains that it is time for legal philosophers to stop treating realism as a discredited historical antique, and start looking at the movement with the sympathetic eye it deserves.  [77]   Leiter believes that Harts sweeping dismissal of rule scepticism as the claim that talk of rules is a myth, cloaking the truth that law consists simply of the decisions of courts and predictions of them,  [78]  is an unfair misrepresentation of its members contributions to legal theory.  [79]  Thus, by demonstrating the limitations of a doctrinal account of law without a proper empirical investigation of the manner in which legal doctrine functions in society, the American realists unquestionably paved the way to the sociological approach to the law.  [80]   V Assessment of the validity of Legal Realism American Legal Realism in most of its manifestation, albeit that it was sceptical, can be described as fairly mainstream, it was not radical or subversive, it simply asked one to examine the law a practical phenomenon, rather than as an idealised natural law or legal positivist edifice. It is an antidote to the declaratory theory of law that asserts that law is determinate and certain and based on legal principles and the doctrine of precedent. Although, one may regard realism as shallow today, to assess the validity of legal realism, one must judge the pragmatic movement by its fruits, such as the impact it has had on legal education, the judicial process, legal anthropology, legal history, and legal sociology. In many respects sociological jurisprudence is an outgrowth of legal realism. Sociological jurisprudence developed from the same impulse to study the way the law works in an empirical or scientific experimental method. Further, realism indirectly engendered two movements Jurimetrics  [81]  and Behavouralism. These movements have taken over from where legal realism left off, for whilst the realists had some inspired ideas, developed a number of theoretical models, and urged us to exploit the social and technological science, these newer movements are firmly established within the mainstream of the social sciences and use techniques associated with them freely and to valuable effect.  [82]  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sojourn to Singapore Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays

Sojourn to Singapore "Eat the it!" Although a jumbled cacophony of encouraging voices seemed to levitate the humid night air, all hesitancy was not dispersed as I carefully probed the pulpy tropical fruit with an expectant tongue. Proudly, (and much to the glee of my Asian companions who enjoyed the various facial contortions), I swallowed the remainder, washed down with three full bottles of water. Before the initial incision into the durian, I was engulfed by the painfully distinctive odor that only three days and half a bottle of Listerine could remedy. With my experiences in Singapore as a United States representative to the Asian-Pacific Youth Science Festival, however, I also was engulfed by the myriad of Asian cultures, whose unique facets of language, tradition, and daily life broadened my spectrum of global understanding. All delegates from each of the fourteen economies were combined into groups and assigned a topic of concern facing the scientific community-diseases, genetic engineering, globalization, and global warming. Although my fellow group members resided in China, Indonesia, South Korea, Singapore, and Malaysia, we all share... ...and possibly the world. We composed papers, visually presented our conclusions, and became brothers and sisters in striving to accomplish our task. Of course, our interaction provided inestimable amounts of enjoyment for everyone-the Asian delegates were thrilled by my 'American humor.' On the final night, Group 24 assembled under a shelter and everyone exchanged teary-eyed good-byes with low voices. Little did I expect the torrent of ice and freezing water that crashed over my head and shoulders merely seconds later, wrecking the silent awkwardness. We laughed, and then we were friends again.